Land Closing Peace Pipe Ceremony: Tribe Reclaims a Piece of the Reservation
March 2009
(L-R):FRONT -Mark Remaley of Sustainable Forest LLC,Chief Walt”Red Hawk”Brown,Vice-Chief Ellis “Soaring Eagle”Wright. 2nd Row (L-R):War Chief William Lamb “Spread Eagle” Howell,Chief Thomas “Two Feathers” Lewis (Honorable Guest of Meherrin Indian Tribe, (HERITAGE FOUNDATION TRIBAL MEMBERS): Deborah “Tiger Lily”Motahari,Teressa “Chenoabuck” Baxter,Beverly”Barefoot”El,Teresa Preston At Large Member.3rd Row-(L-R) Tribal members: Donnie”One Feather” Freeman,Jade”Rain Drop”Hughes,David”Spirit Hawk”Brown,Bernard”Fire Walker” Hedgepeth,Brenda “Sequoia” Taylor,Charleen “Four Roses”Suter. 4th Row-(L-R) Vashti “Sparrow Hawk” Clarke,Kim”Fire Moon” Tart,Lila ” Spirit Heart” Hedgepeth,Jimmie “Faith Warrior” Hargrove,Cheryl”Songbird”Hargrove, Council and Heritage Foundation member Cynthia “Water Lily” Brown,and Jay Randolph Asst.Co. Adm. of Southampton County.
Lila “Spirit Heart” Hedgepeth delivers the Iroquoian Prayer and Praises The Great Creator for allowing our People to have access to our Sacred Land Once Again in Hopes of not being taken away from our People .
Chief Walt “Red Hawk” Brown Presenting The Peace Pipe for our Ceremony in Hopes that our Destinguished Guest will recieve it as a Peace offering.
Chief Walt “Red Hawk” Brown addresses The Peace Pipe to The Four Winds as Mark Ramaley of Sustainable Forest LLC. and Jay Randolph Asst. Co. Adm. of Southampton Co. looks on.
War Chief William Lamb “Spread Eagle ” Howell lights The Peace Pipe while Chief Walt ” Red Hawk” Brown draws on the pipe to begin the Peace Offering.
Mark Ramaley of Sustainable Forest LLC. accepts The Peace Pipe offering as War Chief William Lamb “Spread Eagle” Howell and Chief Thomas “Two Feathers ” Lewis of Meherrin Indian Tribe look on.
David ” Spirit Hawk” Brown accepts The Peace Pipe offering and passes it to other male attendees that will accept this offering .
Vice-Chief Ellis “Soaring Eagle” Wright carries the Eagle Staff leading Tribal members on their Tribal land.
Tribal Women dance their way to Sacred Land.
Members of the NA-MA-WO-CHI Drummers honored The Cheroenhaka (Nottoway)Indian Tribe by drumming on The Great Nadawa Drum.