Cheroenhaka(Nottoway) Inter-Tribal Fall Powwow 2008
The beginning for our Grand Entry into The Sacred Circle to give thanks to The Great Creator
Head Male Dancer Pernell Richardson (Haliwa-Saponi) Indian Tribe along with Cheroenhaka(Nottoway) Head Teen Jingle Dancer Jade “Rain Drop” Hughes,and other tribal members and visitors
Head Female Dancer Donna “Water Lily”Richardson and Head Male Dancer Pernell Ricardson leading Tribal members and visitors in the Sacred Circle
Color Guard leading in the Sacred Circle during Grand Entry
Master of Ceremonies Clark Stewart
Vice-Chief Ellis “Soaring Eagle” Wright and Tribal Member Donnie Freeman
Host Drum Yough-ta-nund and Guest Drum Falling Water
VIP Dancer Registration with tribal members working
Arena Director Thomas “Two Feathers” Lewis and Head Female Dancer Donna Richardson of The Meherrin Indian Tribe along with Head Male Dancer Pernell Richardson Haliwa-Saponi Indian Tribe and Tribal Princess of The Chickahominy Indian Tribe
Prince David “Slow Turtle” Brown, Chief Walt “Red Hawk” Brown, and Chickahominy Princes with Tribal member T.J. “Rolling Thunder” Hewett
Head Female Jingle Dancer and Head Male Dancer with Head Teen Jingle Dancer
Head Male Dancer showing his finery with Head Teen Jingle Dancer following
Tribal members and guest in the Sacred Circle
Three Chiefs ,Chief Walt”Red Hawk Brown , Chief Thomas “Two Feathers” Lewis (Meherrin Indian Tribe) and Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) War Chief William “Spread Eagle” Lamb Howell
Tribal Members with Guest in Sacred Circle
Chief Walt “Red Hawk”Brown relates Tribal History to the Audience
Tribal members leading in the Sacred Circle
Head Teen Jingle Dancer Jade Hughes, Head Teen Male Dancer David Brown , Head Female Jingle Dancer Donna Richardson , and Head Male Dancer Pernell Richardson
Fancy Shawl Dancers
Thomas Winn Native Wood Carver Powwow Vendor (Native Driftwood Thomas Winn Wood Carver)