Gathering Attracts Nearly 1,000
The Tidewater News, Thursday, July 29, 2004

Brown. “CasSandra “Guiding Star” Requizo and Page “Red Feather” Archer worked with children with demonstrationa and hands-on activities.
Among the activities were demonstrations on making corn husk dolls and flint knapping.
There were also 12 native arts and crafts vendors on site for patrons to visit.
Visitors were also able to obtain a copy of the first issue of Waskehee, the tribal journal. Brown said the name means “to see.” A highlight of the first issue was a history of the Nottoway compiled by Brown.
Lead dancers for the Pow Wow were Debora “Little Wing” Moore, a member of the Pamunkey tribe, and Keith “Hides the Sun” Anderson, a member of the Cherokee Indian Tribe of northeast Alabama.
They led others in seven different dances.
The Nottoway tribe was also honored with a proclamation from the Southampton County Board of Supervisors, which designated July 24 as Cheroenhaka Day.” A framed copy of the proclamation was presented to Brown and other tribal leaders on Saturday by County Administrator Mike Johnson.
Brown said planning has already begun for next year’s gathering, which will be held in July, the “green corn harvest” period recognized by the tribe.