2009 Tribal Educational Presentations

October 23rd & 24th Native American Festival by Radford Tourism

Chief Red Hawk speaks to 200 2nd graders as they watch eagerly and attentively
Tribal Member Donnie ” One Feather” Freeman demonstrates the Blow Dart Gun at Bissette Park in Radford VA
Chief Red Hawk speaks to 400 4th graders at Bissette Park in Radford VA
The 400 4th graders that Chief Walt “Red Hawk” Brown III speaks to at Bissette Park in Radford VA

Revisit of Hand Site

Chief Walt “Red Hawk” Brown III Gives an Overview of Where the Dig Took Place.

“On July 28, 2009 the Hand Site, located along the Nottoway River in Southampton County, Virginia was visited by a group of concerned people with a goal of preserving the site from damage do to future logging operations in that area. The Hand Site was excavated in 1965, 1966 and 1969 revealing the footprint of “Long Houses” inside of a palisade village with a cemetery in the center. The site is ethno historically recorded to be the territory occupied by the Iroquoian speaking Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) Indians ca. 1580-85. Organizations represented in the photograph are (left to right) Teresa Preston, Archeological Society of Virginia, Nansemond Chapter; Chief Walter “Red Hawk” Brown , Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) Indian Tribe; Tom Reed, South Rivers Forestry Consultants, LLC; Harvey Darden and Scott Bachman of the Virginia Department of Forestry.”

(Photo and caption by: Bert Wendell, Jr., President, Nansemond Chapter of the Archeological Society of Virginia)

First Landing Foundation Historical Villages Presentations May-September

Tribal members and Chief Walt “Red Hawk” Brown III receiving donation from The First Landing Heritage Foundation CEO. L to R front row: Beverly “Barefoot” El, Chief Walt “Red Hawk” Brown III, CEO First Landing Heritage Foundation Colette Amici. Back row l to r: Vashti “Sparrow Hawk” Clarke, Bernard “Fire Walker” Hedgepeth, Al “Strong Heart” Suter, Charleen “Four Roses” Suter.
L to R : Colette Amici First Landing Heritage Foundation CEO, Teresa Preston ASV Nansemond Chapter Vice-President, and Bert WendelL Jr.President of ASV Nansemond Chapter

Southampton County High School Presentation

