Blood Line of Edy Turner aka Wane Roonseraw
Chief Red Hawk Interview with WTVR 6 Richmond VA
Governor McDonnell American Indian Heritage Month
Handsite Historical Marker Unveiling
20,000 Long Leaf Pines Fulfill Vision of “Redhawk”

Shield & Heraldry — An explanation of the meaning behind our tribal shield.
Library of Virginia Spotlights Edith Turner — Chief Edith Turner, one of eight women recognized by the Library of Virginia, award accepted by Cheroenhaka Nottoway tribal members.
Return of the Natives in Southampton County— Virginia Pilot article concerning our visit to the Smithsonian to perform ceremony over the Cheroenhaka remains removed from the “Hand Site” burial site and to discuss repatriation. The article includes a summary explanation of who we are.
Return of Natives, Part Two: “Time to Come Home”
1808 Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) Census
Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) Indians on the Old Reservation Land Tracts